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Teenager environment campaigner Greta Thunberg

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was yesterday awarded a Portuguese rights award and promptly pledged the million-euro prize to groups working to protect the environment and halt climate change.

‘That is more money than I can begin to imagine, but all the prize money will be donated, through my foundation, to different organisations and projects who are working to help people on the front line, affected by the climate crisis and ecological crisis,’ the Swedish teen said in a video posted online.

She was awarded the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity for the way she ‘has been able to mobilise younger generations for the cause of climate change and her tenacious struggle to alter a status quo that persists’, Jorge Sampaio, chair of the prize jury, said earlier.

The first €100,000 (£90,200) of the prize money will go to the ‘SOS Amazonia’ campaign led by Fridays For Future Brazil to tackle the coronavirus outbreak in the Amazon. Another €100,000 (£90,200) will go to the Stop Ecocide Foundation ‘to support their work to make ecocide an international crime’, Thunberg said on Twitter.

The million euro (£901,871) is the largest prize won by the 17-year-old environmental campaigner who has also won Amnesty International’s top human rights prize and the Swedish Right Livelihood Award, often presented as an alternative Nobel.

She said on Monday she was ‘extremely honoured’ to receive the annual Gulbenkian prize. Thunberg and three other young climate activists on Thursday launched an appeal to EU leaders to ‘face up to the climate emergency’, in an open letter signed by 150 scientists and a host of celebrities.

Pictured: Greta Thunberg makes an opening speech of Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee meeting held at European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium in March

Last month, she blasted world leaders who only want selfies with her to ‘look good’ and alleged they have betrayed future generations on climate change. The 17-year-old claimed that Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, had queued up to have a ‘selfie’ with her at the UN climate change summit in September.

As part of a series she has made about her campaigning for Swedish radio, Thunberg criticised the behaviour of high-ranking figures at the New York summit. ‘Presidents, prime ministers, kings and princesses came and wanted to talk to me,’ she said. ‘They saw me and suddenly saw the chance that they could take a photo with me for their Instagram account. Then the hashtag #savetheplanet.

‘It seemed as if they had forgotten for a moment to be ashamed that their generation had let future generations down.’


Ayuure Atafori
Author: Ayuure Atafori

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