You are currently viewing Premier Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards nominations open

The Business Executive Media Group is receiving nominations from the public in Africa on voting for the Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards which are scheduled to take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on 17th July, 2021.

The organizers of the awards, The Business Executive Limited, have commenced the process to organize voting by the public all across the African continent to determine the CEOs who are the most celebrated in  the corporate/institutional space in Africa.

Attendance of the event is strictly by invitation and the presentation of the awards will be preceded by several trade and investment guidance presentations from multilateral institutions comprising the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat and the newly formed African Chamber for Commerce, which will be formally launched as part of the awards conferment ceremony.

The Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards are an awards scheme which seeks to identify and publicly recognize the CEOs in Africa who are the most respected by the continent’s public on a sector by sector basis; and the most publicly respected CEOs in each country. The awardees will first be selected by public voting for nominees in each category. CEOs of both privately owned and publicly owned corporations/institutions are eligible.

To this end, one CEO will be awarded in each of the 25 delineated sectors of economic activity, based on having received the highest number of votes continent-wide for each sector. Also, one CEO from each African country will be awarded as the most respected in each individual country for having received the majority of votes from that country, without respect to the sector of economic activity that he/she is active in.

Ballots will be derived from nominations made by the public and verified as factually correct and having met our eligibility criteria by our dedicated team of consultants.

Independent of the involvement

The voting process in each country is being validated by a top tier indigenous, but internationally reputed, audit firm independent of the involvement of the organizers. However, the organizers will confer a limited number of special lifetime achievement awards on CEOs selected from across the continent based on their exemplary track records of professional accomplishments and their contributions to the economic fortunes of their respective countries, and in some cases, the growth and development of intra-African trade and development.

These types of awards will not be determined by voting but by the evaluation of our dedicated Awards Assessment Jury comprising 11 highly knowledgeable and experienced persons drawn from both the private and the public sectors across various countries in Africa. The organizers will have only two representations on the jury.

The organizers of the award scheme vouch for the integrity of the voting process and assure that the results will not be manipulated in any way.

“We are organizing these awards as our contribution to the success of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). In recognition of the challenges to its success posed by well documented lack of trust and confidence in potential counterparties within the continent, our awards seek to identify a pool of CEOs in whom potential trade and investment counterparties can have trust and confidence. Thus the awards seek to facilitate intra-African trade and investment flows under the terms of AfCFTA,” said Baroness Paulette Kporo, the Group CEO of The Business Executive Limited.

The awards ceremony

The awards ceremony and the events accompanying it are aimed, in part, at bringing together a group of business chieftains, investors and public sector officials who are qualified to form the core of the emergent African single market. Towards this end, the event will be attended by awardees and their guests; other identified leading corporate chieftains, entrepreneurs and both direct and portfolio investors drawn from across Africa and major trading partners and investment counterparty countries; representatives of AfCTA, ECA, WTO, the various sub-regional economic blocs, the IMF, World Bank, African Development Bank and Afreximbank; representatives of the diplomatic community; and the   international media.

Baroness Kporo, the Chief Event Organizer, said: “Awardees will not be required to pay any fee for their awards. However, corporate sponsorships are available both on individual, national and pan-African basis, while flexible sponsorship packages can be negotiated with the organizers who can be reached through …

We envisage that the impending awards will be a game-changer with regard to the facilitation of intra-African trade and investment through AfCFTA.”

About the organizers

The Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards are being organized by The Business Executive magazine, the leading periodical magazine covering economy, business, finance, investment and socio-economic development in West Africa.

Published monthly since 2014, the hard copy edition of the magazine, is circulated across the sub region through our unique collaboration with the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FEWACCI) and is also circulated in South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. It is read by top tier government and multilateral institution executives, corporate executives, the entrepreneurial, professional and commercial classes, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society leaders and international public policy commentators.

The company’s also distribute a digital edition of the magazine which replicates the hard copy edition with regards to editorial content, page lay outs and advertising. The digital edition is accessible worldwide and is particularly read by the international business, commerce, finance and investment (both direct and portfolio) communities as well as international development assistance partners.

In addition our website, includes a news portal which provides news, features and data updated daily.

Private enterprises and public institutions

The Business Executive also organizes various business forums to enable private enterprises and public institutions such as business regulators and facilitators to network and forge partnerships and alliances with each other. We do this on our own and in collaboration with international business groupings such as FEWACCI itself and the Business Council for Africa.

The company’s business groupings include The Boardroom, for award winning CEOs, the Corporate Hall of Fame for corporate Board Chairpersons and ‘SHE’ Achievers for award winning female executives, entrepreneurs, professionals and public officials.

The company is currently in the process of creating a direly needed Ghana Nigeria Chamber of Commerce to promote and facilitate bilateral trade and investment between the two largest economies in West Africa as well as an African Chamber of Commerce to facilitate pan continental multilateral trade and to forge business and investment collaborations, partnerships and value/supply chains on a trans-African basis with a  view to optimizing the opportunities and benefits being made available by the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area which commenced on January 1, 2021.

The company organizes and hosts several awards schemes within Ghana, in other African countries and on international basis. In Ghana, it organizes the Ghana Industry CEO Awards scheme, Business Executive Excellence Awards, Feminine Ghana Achievement Awards, The Ghana Development Awards and the Environment Health and Safety Awards.

On international platforms, the company organized the Africa Global Trade and Investment Awards, the inaugural edition was held recently in Dubai.

Ayuure Atafori
Author: Ayuure Atafori

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