The Rwanda Convention Bureau has been confirmed a member of UFI, the global exhibition association. With the objective of growing the exhibition segment in Rwanda, UFI membership will allow the East African country access to a large repertoire of international exhibition organizers that can be approached to bring to the country.

UFI directly represents around 50,000 exhibition industry employees globally, and also works closely with its 53 national and regional association members. It has over 802 member organizations in 88 countries and regions with 68% exhibition organizers and 32% of venues. More than 955 international trade fairs bear the UFI approved label.

Among the many benefits the RCB will reap as a result of its membership of UFI, the Bureau would take advantage of the numerous networking opportunities at UFI events. Whether it be the sharing of ideas and best practices or doing business together, UFI members can interact with the key contacts in the exhibition industry and expand their network.
UFI is the cohesive voice of the exhibition industry and as such maintains dialogue with intergovernmental and international organisations, and promotes the industry to key stakeholders.

The association also provides its members with various education programmes and a range of events that focus on the most relevant topics for today’s exhibition industry.
RCB’s membership will grant them access to vital industry information through complementary publications and have access to UFI’s studies and research programmes.

Kigali, Rwanda’s capital is currently the second-highest ranked meetings and exhibitions destination in Africa and RCB’s affiliation to UFI provides them a unique opportunity to spread their tentacles even further as the country aims at becoming the continent’s most preferred exhibitions’ destination.


Ayuure Atafori
Author: Ayuure Atafori

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